Disney Springs is moving full speed ahead with their renovations to the area and adding new shops and eateries all the time. Sadly, rumors have started that Disney Springs may be losing two long-time favorites in the next few months.

The Dining Room with views of Crescent Lake
When the West Side of Downtown Disney opened in 1997, Bongos Cuban Café as well as Wolfgang Puck Grand Cafe were among the shiny new restaurant options that opened as well. However, now that Disney Springs has revamped their look and overall atmosphere, these two aging eateries may choose to close rather than update their current locations. The pressure to compete with new venues that have award-winning chefs and high quality theming may be too much for the two established cafes.
Orlando Weekly discussed the history of the two cafes and their bright beginnings with famous leaders (Emilio & Gloria Estefan for Bongos and Wolfgang Puck for his namesake Grand Cafe). While neither restaurant has made any formal or informal announcements about closing, there are high costs to renovating that have to be taken into consideration for leaders and owners of both cafes. With no news from either camp, it is hard to know for sure what direction will be taken. But it is something to watch for over the coming months!
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