Aloha from Hawaii!
Most people are familiar with the Disney tradition of Hidden Mickeys. Heck, there are even books written about it! While Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa does have its share of Hidden Mickeys, there is another creature who hides throughout the resort – the Menehune.
What are Menehune, you ask? According to Hawaiian legend, the Menehune were on the island long before any settlers. They are small beings, usually no more than two feet tall and sometimes small enough to fit in a hand. The Menehune lived in the forests and valleys of the island and were extremely good at building things. They worked mainly at night so that they would not be seen.
Menehune love to make mischief and enjoy playing tricks on humans. They also are known for shooting magic arrows to pierce the hearts of angry people, causing them to feel love instead.
At Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa, the Menehune are hidden throughout the entire resort. We have spent hours searching for new ones!
Where can you find these magical creatures, do you ask?
Well, they are low.
And they are high.
They stand on their heads.
And they make their own beds.
They ride on the elevators.
And watch over the shops.
They watch you eat.
And they watch you play.
And when you don’t expect it, they hide in plain sight.
There are so many more! And lots of places to explore!
While I’m not sure of the exact number of Menuhune at the resort, I’m sure we haven’t come close to finding all of them. So, the next time you are visiting Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa, make sure you keep an eye out for the Menehune! And don’t forget to watch out for their tricks and arrows! Aloha!
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