This is absolutely, positively a Mom Approved movie for ALL ages!
I am VERY conservative regarding what my children see, but there is nothing dark or scary in Cinderella. There is death of parents, but it is handled very well and is simply there to set the story. Transitions to non-grieving scenes are quick and well done.
A concern I might have on taking little ones to the theater is the length of the movie. My daughter is just over 3 and made it through with a little cuddling during sad parts, and a bag of gummy snacks when she began to fidget halfway through. But she was riveted as soon as the ball scenes opened, and remained so until the movie was over.
This 3 year old animation-loving-little-girl loved the movie! I actually spent some of my time alternating my attention between the screen and watching her face. She gasped in awe several times and even swayed in her seat during the ballroom dance scene (which is absolutely breathtaking).
This was a beautiful adaptation that stayed true to the heart of the story and to its message “Have Courage and Be Kind.” This was repeated throughout in a tasteful, beautiful way without beating you over the head or being cheesy. This movie really reinforces this simple concept with universal appeal without bias or agenda.
Ella’s character and her spunky personality is what we all want for our little girls. I have no problem with my daughter looking up to her. But do not leave the boys at home. This movie has plenty of humor and story to keep them interested as well. I happened to run into a friend at the theater and her tween boys and my 9 year old were happy with the movie as well.
Frankly, I’ll be seeing this again in the theater, because visually it is stunning on the big screen. My favorite part of Cinderella is in its last moments, when I fell in love with Ella even more – but I will let you see it for yourself and not spoil that moment.
Cinderella was preceded by Frozen Fever, which was short of course, but super cute. It was fun to see these characters again, and they generated lots of giggles throughout the theater.
I don’t want to review these in too much detail because I want you to see it through your own eyes. I guess I just want to convey that I walked in expecting to be let down, and just wasn’t at all. It was beautiful in every way. Great job Disney!
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