Yesterday was the day the Round 2 finalists for the Disney Parks Moms Panel was announced. This was a day of nerves, stomach aches, self-doubt, the jitters and every other word that can explain just plain NERVOUS! People were checking phones, emails, Facebook and blogs to get the magical answer as to what time will the emails be sent from @gary_jerry . Some individuals will move on to round 2 and others will try again next year.
Drum roll please……..The DIStracted Team is honored to announce that the following writers advanced to Round 2, Renee D’Amato Virata, Justin Connors, Mary Spina, Anne Taetzsch Fitzgerald, and Christen Francis.
These individuals come with a ton of experience and knowledge of all things Disney and all the Pixie Dust that goes along with it. After the emails went out and our team announced to each other who was advancing we started to share stories. I was not eligible to apply this year because I didn’t visit the mouse this year. Justin stated, “I applied last year for the first time. Did it with my wife because it was her dream. I went all the way to the final round and got a fastpass for this year to round two and am excited to try to represent dads.” Justin’s wife, Sarah, made it to round 2 as well! Christen told us, “I applied for the first time last year and made it to round 2. I am so excited!” Anne told us, “I applied for the first time last year and made it to round 2. Have made it to round 2 for the second year . I love to travel, and love Walt Disney World the most.” Mary told us, “This is my eighth year applying. Yes – every year since DisneyMP began. This is my fourth time to round 2. I’ve never made it to round 3 so hoping this is my year!”
I am honored to work with these talented individuals. I want to say congrats to all of those individuals who had the courage to apply for Mom’s panel. Moving on or stopping here we all still share one thing, the love of all things Disney! Again, please help me in Congratulating the DIStracted Team on the their round 2 advancements!
I am so excited that all of them made it to round 2!! Team Distracted!!!
Congrats to all!!!!!