Crazy, I know… but who can predict when rumors will start flying about Walt Disney World? This one seems particularly early though. It’s about the dining packages and seating at Epcot’s Candlelight Processional– for the 2016 holiday season.

Candlelight Processional – Photo by Disney Parks
If you attended a Candlelight Processional this past season, you may have received a survey asking about different options of seating that could be offered with the Candlelight Processional Dinner Packages. The questions included being assigned a seat in the America Gardens Theatre, what seating you would prefer, and if seating should be assigned based price or on time of booking. There are a LOT of options and at this time it is impossible to imagine what changes Disney will pick- but it sounds like they are trying to narrow down their choices.
I have to say, I think some of these options sound like a great idea. I think guests book the dinning packages so that they don’t have worry about the lines that can build up for this amazing event. Sadly, most guests who purchase the dining package still end up waiting in a long line. The way that seems most fair to me would be assign seating as guests book the package. Although, that may not be an easy set up within the dining reservation system that Disney has created for their Cast Members to use.
Only time will tell exactly which of these rumored changes will come to the surface. What do you think of these options given in the surveys? Do you have any suggestions for making the Candlelight Processional Dining Package seating easier for Guests and Cast Members? Let us know, in the comments below or on social media!
This is a family-must for us every year, so I will be very interested to see what changes they have in store…
I would like assigned seating at the Candlelight Processional, or at least a reserved area, so if a couple is spending over $100 for the dinner package, they should not have to stand in line with the people who will get in for free. Just makes sense. If I have to stand in line anyway, I won’t bother with the dinner package at all.
I agree! I can’t wait to see what Disney plans to do for these events next Holiday season!