Disney Floral & Gifts, in partnership with Lucasfilm, has announced the launch of the new Star Wars Rebels Interactive Adventure. For those brave enough to answer the call for this mission, an adventure awaits. Here are the details! Top Secret Mission Detail #1: The Mission The Star Wars Rebels Interactive Adventure takes you from […]
Follow the Force to Star Wars Celebration 2017!
Do you feel the pull of the Jedi powers screaming for you to head to Orlando, Florida? That is the call of Star Wars Celebration 2017! May the Fourth 2016 was kicked off with the announcement that the largest Star Wars Convention will be taking over the Orange County Convention Center April 13-16, 2017. Tickets for […]
Star Wars Day – Nerds of the Galaxy Celebrate
Believed to be the first instance of its use, “May the fourth be with you, Maggie. Congratulations.” was the congratulatory headline in 1979 for the newly installed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Margaret Thatcher. In subsequent years, Star Wars fans (like myself) have adopted May the Fourth (“May the Force”) as a day to […]
Coming Attractions – Lights, Camera, Live-Action!
Magical DIStractions has been buzzing with all of the Breaking News that came from the annual D23 Expo in Anaheim, California. We are so pleased to have had team-members of our DIStracted team there live, sharing all the exciting news! At D23, Disney, Marvel Studios and Lucasfilm presented their Live Action film slates. The presentations gave fans […]
The Merchandise Awakens
What do Covergirl®, Subway®, Verizon & Duracell® all have in common? Well, if you are Disney and Lucasfilm Ltd., you’ll be raking in the cash from all of them. Yes, more than three months before Star Wars: The Force Awakens comes to a theater near you, sponsors of the long-anticipated sequel are gearing up to […]
MARVEL-ous Movie News!
This weekend, the breaking news from the D23 EXPO in Anaheim, California has been coming at record speeds! There is great news for movie-goers with the announcement of live action film slates made jointly by Disney, Marvel and Lucasfilm. The presentation was led by Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios who gave the crowd a glimpse […]
The Force Is Strong It Is!
If you are a Star Wars fan, then yesterday was your lucky day! The D23 Expo that was held in Anaheim California was full of exciting Star Wars Breaking News; including the addition of Star Wars themed lands and attractions at both Disneyland and Disney’s Hollywood Studios. For more on that news please click here. Disney, Marvel and Lucasfilm presented […]
The Hype Awakens: MD Attends the 2015 Star Wars Celebration!
In a galaxy far far way (otherwise known as Anaheim, California) hundreds of thousands of Jedis, Rebels, Storm Troopers and other loyal Star Wars fans invaded the Anaheim Convention Center to see what the Empire has up its sleeve. And I have to say, the Empire did not disappoint! Ready For Take Off – Star Wars […]
Preview: LEGO® Star Wars™: Droid Tales coming to Disney XD!!
Last week I was with a group of about 100 other Star Wars geeks as we visited Lucasfilm at an event sponsored by LEGO in San Francisco. They treated us to a tour, food, drinks and then led us down to George Lucas’s theatre! Once inside the theatre we were treated to something so top secret […]