After the hugely popular animated film by Pixar, Finding Nemo there comes the anticipated sequel Finding Dory. The sequel is set to be released on June 17, 2016. We we all got introduced to the amnesiac Blue Pacific Tang voiced by Ellen DeGeneres in the 2003 blockbuster Finding Nemo. She was a light hearted characted […]
Junior Ride-Along in “Cars” vehicles coming to the Richard Petty Driving Experience June 14th!
Junior Ride-Along program joining the Richard Petty Driving Experience at Walt Disney World on Saturday, June 14th! Petty Holdings, LLC and Pixar Animation Studios have joined together to create two characters from the 2006 feature film “Cars” (#28 Aiken Axler and #80 Sage VanDerSpin)! For $59 children ages 6-13 (and at least 48 inches tall) […]