Each year, around the start of the school year, Disney Parks begins its search for moms (or dads or grandparents) to fill spots on the Disney Parks Moms Panel. This year, its eighth year, the search will open on Tuesday, September 2 at 10am ET.
For those of you who are not familiar with the Disney Parks Moms Panel, it is a great resource for planning your trip to Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Vacation Club, runDisney and events at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex. If you need information, you submit a question to the panel and an expert in that field will answer it for you! There is also a way to search the forum to see if someone has already asked a similar question and see the answer.
I have applied each year since it began in 2008. In the process, I have “met” so many people who are as enthusiastic about Disney as I am. So if you are interested in applying, be at your computer at 10am ET (9am Central for me) to get more information and see if you meet the eligibility requirements. I apply each year because I want to share my love and knowledge of Disney. Even though I have not been chosen yet, I keep trying. “If you can dream it, you can do it.”
Andrea Green says
I wish I knew enough to be on the panel. If I got to choose. Mary would be my first choice. Good luck Mary
Mary Spina says
Thanks for the vote of confidence!! There are so many talented and worthy applicants but I’ve got my fingers crossed!