As you all know, Avengers : Age of Ultron hit the movie theatres with a bang and headed straight to number #1 at the box office. The Avengers, a team of superheroes written about in American comic books by Marvel, was a massive hit on its release date knocking every other movie out on its way to hit the top spot, grossing $204 million.
As always, Disney was quick to get the merchandise on the shelves for all the potential superhero girls and boys out there who just want to be like their Marvel heroes! The Disney Store has launched an extensive range of Avengers merchandise including costumes, clothing, toys, mugs and even footwear!
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The Avengers products are proving to be popular, as are the rest of the Marvel creations, as Disney has also opened a new ‘Super’ store called Super Hero Headquarters in Downtown Disney Orlando which sells all Marvel based merchandise.
So what are you waiting for? Go check out what superhero you can be. Do you want to be Thor, Captain America or the Black Widow? Do you have a favorite? The Marvel merchandise is not just for boys and men. They have an entire line for women and girls! Let’s face it ladies, we all secretly have a crush on these guys anyway, right?!
DIStracted Tip: Avengers merchandise is available worldwide now from the Disney Store.
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